Benjamin’s Story

Benjamin is 2 years old and he lives with his mum and dad, Gemma and Michael. He has a rare genetic condition called 22q11.21 micro duplication and has very complex needs. He has a wide range of health developmental issues including developmental delay and regressions, undiagnosed seizures and suspected autism.

Gemma told us that Benjamin had become very distressed and anxious since shielding due to COVID-19 with the changes in his routine and missing extended family. Benjamin loves to use a swing in his garden but had grown too big to keep on using his baby swing.

Independence at Home made a grant towards the cost of a specialist swing chair with a harness and Gemma told us that the new swing has really improved his life at home in such a short time. As a direct result of being able to play outside so joyfully, Benjamin’s mood is so much better meaning that his Mum is able to bring him to an emotional level where she can focus on his learning and development.