Where else can I go for help?
You may wish to look at the following websites that may help. There are a wide range of charities specific to a person’s disability or background, including benevolent funds associated with employment or service in the Armed Forces.
This website provides information on benefit entitlement and helps you to search for grant making charities.
This website provides information on charities that provide grants for disabled people.
The Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust makes grants to people who are in poor health, convalescent or who have disabilities. The grants are available for convalescence or respite care, medical and sensory equipment or other aids.
The Mobility Trust provides powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters for severely disabled children and adults who cannot obtain them through statutory sources or purchase such equipment themselves.
Glasspool Charity Trust is a UK wide grant making charity that provide one-off grants to individuals. This Trust is one of a few charities that have no restrictions on the type of beneficiary although the list of referral agencies has been restricted from April 2024.
www.percybiltoncharity.org.uk The Percy Bilton Charity makes one-off grants to older people on a low income and people with physical or learning disabilities or mental health problems.
The League of the Helping Hand provides financial assistance to people who are in hardship due to illness or disability. This includes physical or mental health problems, learning disabilities and people caring for an adult or child with disability. One-off grants are generally awarded towards essential household items and specialist equipment not available from statutory agencies, and for fares, travel expenses and regular travel costs for hospital visiting. When funds are available grants are made towards the cost of carers’ breaks.